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Judy Griffin for 
State Assembly

Supporting Police &
Our First Responders
To Keep Families Safe, Combat Opioid Addiction

More Record Funding
For Local Public Schools,

Expand Universal Pre-K and Special Education  

Lowering Your Costs: Cutting Property Taxes, Reforming Our Utilities,  & Small Businesses Aid


I will always stand up for our first responders and their families. State and local police, firefighters, and EMTs deserve our gratitude, respect and full funding: putting out fires, delivering lifesaving care, and protecting our communities with incredible emergency response - they keep our families safe.


I will continue to work diligently to help them secure the benefits they deserve and get them the essential resources they need to keep us safe, on top of the hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional funding I've been proud to get our local police and firefighters.

The twin scourges of gun violence and opioid addiction need a multi-pronged approach - working together with police, EMTs, medical and social work professionals, and community groups. I've passed new statewide laws to save lives and seek justice for victims.


Supporting our amazing local schools is vital and being their advocate is one of my most important roles up in Albany. After such a challenging past two years, it is more important than ever to give young learners all the resources they need to excel, thrive, and pursue their dreams - no matter who they are or their hurdles in life.


I helped pass a new State Budget that further expanded Universal Pre-K in the suburbs, secured hundreds of thousands of dollars for mental health and special education programs right here in our local communities, and helped our school districts hold the line on your home property taxes.


I successfully sponsored statewide legislation to continue an important pilot program to screen young learners early for special education needs - helping improve learning outcomes and getting parents proper resources.


Long Island's middle class and working families are overtaxed. Local seniors and disabled residents keep finding it harder to stay in their homes. That's why I successfully fought for a gas tax holiday and new property tax rebates. 


I helped pass new state laws to expand property tax exemptions and overhaul our local water and electric suppliers - because American Water and PSEG just keep missing the mark.


I proudly voted to make New York’s 2% tax cap PERMANENT and voted against new tax increases over 80 times in Albany, all while our balanced State Budget secured millions for small business and a new $350 million investment fund just for Long Island.


As a new grandmother and born Long Islander, I want to make sure the local American Dream is kept alive and well.

Judy ran for office for the first time in 2018 - and won. Her grassroots victory gave Long Island a greater voice in Albany, and Judy has stayed true to her word.

A proud mother of four and new grandmother, Judy believes that listening and hard work can get the job done right. She is proud to be known as a moderate.


Judy raised her family in Rockville Centre, a PTA leader committed to our public schools and a strong voice in Long Island's "Opt Out" movement against the overuse of standardized testing. 


Judy is a proud alumni of SUNY Oneonta, where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Economics with minors in Political Science and Communication. After graduating, she worked in the financial industry before founding her own business in health coaching and becoming a published author in wellness. 

A former President of the Rockville Centre Newcomers Club and a long-time Brownie and Girl Scout leader, Judy became a Senior Advisor and Director of Community Outreach in the State Senate in 2016.

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©2024 by Judy Griffin
Paid for by Friends of Judy Griffin.

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